Like cheese? Lots of it? You need to come to our cheese and wine tasting day!

Cheese is back on the agenda, after a short-lived shop sabbatical, everyone’s favourite foodstuff is back on our shelves and raring to find its way onto a cheese board near you! Do we mess about with cheeses you can purchase down the road at Waitrose? Absolutely not. We’ve selected a partner that, if possible, would […]

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Food has landed…

So food has landed at the DTH (we love accronyms) and we’re keeping as fresh as possible. Not the food, that’s obviously fresh, I’m talking about the evolving menu. We take inspiration from bloggerratti, there’s tens of bloggers who help keep us abreast of the latest food trends so you can be assured you’ll never […]

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So… how’s it going?

Well, seen as you’ve been so kind to ask, I thought I’d dedicate an update to telling you. In short, very well! It has been a hectic three weeks, but my oh my, it’s been an amazingly rewarding experience. We’ve had credit card machine mess ups, that were apparently due to the broadband not being […]

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Can I grow tea in my garden?

Many people have asked us on numerous occassions who will be our tea supplier. PG tips, Tetley… Yorkshire tea? Well my friends, I can confirm none of above for builders tea is off the menu, though the tradesman are most certainly welcome to treat their palletes to something new. We’ll be stocking tea farmed in […]

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Magic teabags… you’d better believe it!

We’ve posted some stories that have floated your boat, some that have sunk your boat… I’m pretty sure this one is of the floating variety! This post is about magical tea bags. Yep, magic. You start out with a plain old teabag, you whack it in a teapot and before your eyes… an amazing flower […]

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Look at my tap… it could save you £25,000

Those taps are some of the finest a stringent budget can buy. Sure, we could marvel at the craftsmanship of them, but that’s not why I’m showing them to you. The reason I’m bringing them to your attention is because we’re teaming up with The idea is that we put the below badge in […]

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A Deli Teahouse construction update!

So, instead of rambling on about what we’re doing, I thought I’d let the whole pictures/thousand words thing take efffect! Enjoy and for gods sake… don’t forget to like our Facebook page!

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Coffee brand selected…

Coffee, eh? Whack it in the machine, turn a few cogs and you have yourself a cup of morning juice ready to kick-start your day! Simple! Wrong… Coffee is an incredibly complex drink, something we perhaps overlook when we purchase our expensive brew from the high street chains. The Deli Teahouse want to make sure […]

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Name Change!

You may or may not have walked past this shop front on St Mary’s lane in the past week. If you did, you may have wondered why 1956 had decorated the shop front. Well, I can reliably inform you that this is what we discovered when we took the old kitchen shop signage down. Pretty […]

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Foodies guide to fine cheese…

I thought a small fromagerie selling unusual cheeses from British producers would be ideal for my small deli . After speaking to experts, they said although it’s possible and the Brits do make great cheese, you really couldn’t ignore the cheese makers in Europe if you want a balanced offering so I went looking for expert advice. What […]

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